
This Low Fat Cornbread Recipe Will MELT Your Pounds Away!

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The WHI showed that it is just not feasible to expect people to decrease their fat intake too much below 30%.

Instead they consumed about 30% of calories from fat (down from 38%).
At the end of the study the low fat group never reached their goal of <20% of calories from fat.

In the grand scheme of low fat diets this isn't even that low as Dean Ornish recommends <10% of calories from fat.

In this study some women were put instructed to follow a low fat diet (<20% of calories from fat).

The WHI was a HUGE study that spanned almost a decade.

This fact was most evident in the findings from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Study. Low fat (especially very low fat) diets are extremely restrictive and thus people don't follow them.

Improved compliance is arguably the most significant benefit the more you stick to your plan, the better your plan will work.

Moderate Carbohydrate, protein, fat diets also increase your level of satiety (you feel full longer), increase blood sugar control (yielding better weight loss), and improved compliance.

Lowering your carbohydrate consumption and increasing your fat and protein intake yields a diet that is more effective at ripping fat off your body, preserving and building lean body mass, and improving health.

The answer to that is a resounding NO.

The question should not be if low fat diets work but if they work the best?
It isn't rocket science just simple math.

The reason low fat diets work is because anytime (there are exceptions) you decrease a person's caloric intake to a level significantly below their energy expenditure they will lose weight.

But this shouldn't be a surprise if you think about it because throughout the 80's and 90's bodybuilders all over the world got extremely lean using low/no fat diets.
That's right. I said low fat diets work.

A lot of the confusion stems from the fact that low fat diets work when it comes to weight loss.

There has been some confusion lately regarding low fat diets as research studies are still ongoing that examine the efficacy of low fat/high carbohydrate diets for weight loss.

This newer diet strategy has shown to be extremely effective in improving overall health, body composition, and performance.

As of late there has been a trend to reduce carbohydrate consumption and increase dietary fats and proteins.

Low fat diets have been extremely popular over the past several decades.

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