
The BEST Low Fat Recipes Using Ground Turkey!

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By the way, I mentioned earlier that a lot of the fat-free stuff I don't like... well, fat-free whipped topping is one that I do like.

Take 2 chocolate graham crackers and sandwich 2-3 Tbsp. fat-free whipped topping between them... these are so good, you won't believe there's hardly any calories!

One last tip for ice cream junkies.

These all have a lot less calories than ice cream but are delicious alternatives.
Another tip for ice cream junkies is to switch to popsicles, juice bars, sherbet or Italian ice.

A word of warning: be sure to look at the calories of the bars before buying... some premium bars have more calories than your big dish of ice cream.

For me, it's impossible to dish up only a little ice cream, but an ice cream bar treat is great and I know it's only 1 serving.

This way you limit how much you have.

Just buy ice cream bars instead of ice cream that you can dish up yourself.

If you're an ice cream junky like me, you can still have it!
This applies to any food.

If you eat it slowly and savor it, it will be a much more satisfying and enjoyable experience than gulping down multiple pieces.

Portion control can be a powerful way to control how much you eat, resulting in calorie reduction.

Lastly, eat just one piece.

Also be sure to drain the chicken well on a paper towel when finished frying; this will also help with the calories.

Yes, it's still fried chicken, but at least you've taken off some calories.
Trim some calories from fried chicken by taking the skin off first.

Here are some tips I've learned along the way:
I have found a lot of things that work though, so there's hope!

I'm one who loves all the fattening foods and a lot of the non-fat things don't work for me... like non-fat sour cream, non-fat cheese, non-fat mayonnaise or non-fat salad dressing... yuck!

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