
INCREDIBLE Low Fat Cornbread Recipe!

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The best would be to limit your starchy foods, and eat more salads, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and some fish.

If you are inactive you will never burn off the excess carbohydrates, and when
you eat the next starchy meal, and the next, it just becomes a bad cycle.

If you continue to eat plates of starchy types of food, you can expect to keep packing on the fat, low fat, whole wheat or not, you will get the same results.

in grains, these animals will have a lot more fat around the meat, grass fed will take a lot longer to bulk up and will never fatten up like the grain fed animals.

How do you think they bulk up animals for slaughter they feed them diets high?

So how could eating "low fat foods" put on the weight like it did, one reason was because I would eat a lot and it doesn't matter if the food is low fat or not- if you eat too much you will get fat, it's the calories you consume.

These were an ugly 95lbs and because of all the hype with muscle magazines
I thought bigger meant better, not the case, I never felt good, and I was always tired
I got out of breath easily and my body was always sore.

I started to eat starchy foods corn, potatoes, white pasta, breads, whole milk and the weight started to add up and I bulked up like a cow getting fattened up for slaughter, I put on an incredible 30 lbs in one month so the total weight gained was 95 extra pounds at a height of 5' 7 " tall.

Than I read a book that made me start to think, so I put it to the test.

15 years ago I built myself from 145 lbs to 240 lbs to become a professional wrestler, actually once I built myself up to 210 lbs I could not gain any more weight, And tried everything, and took tons of weight gain, my whole mission was to gain as much weight as possible and be as strong as possible without using steroids.

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